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tv   Fox Morning News  FOX  September 28, 2010 7:00am-9:00am EDT

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comments about d.c. schools by president barack obama. those remarks came as the president was asked about the education of his own daughter. we'll look at those comments and the state of district schools. get ready to go hands-free in maryland. the new laws that start on friday. fox 5 morning news at 7:00 starts right now. and we'll get you started at 7:00 on this tuesday morning, september 28th with a view from high above our tower cam this morning. showing a lot of clouds out there. low-lying clouds and it is a wet morning and we did have some earlier rain in some areas. we'll keep an eye on all of that. thanks for being with us. i'm steve chenevey. >> and i'm allison seymour. happy tuesday. >> let's look at our forecast with tony perkins today. >> good morning to you and good morning, everybody. let's start with hd radar. we have been tracking some rain showers coming through the area. we have had a couple of areas
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of heavy rain. a little spot off to the south and east, just south of cambridge, maryland. meanwhile off to the north and west you see counties shaded in. those counties are under a severe thunderstorm warning until 7:30 this morning. it is not in the washington area, but well out to the west and northwestern washington county, northeastern hardy county, hampshire county, western portions of morgan county under a severe thunderstorm warning until 7:30. for us, a couple of light showers here and there. let's go to the graphics and we'll show you the satellite radar for this morning. you see the classic comma shape, the low moving through west virginia and into western portions of pennsylvania, eastern portions of high, dragging a whole lot of precipitation with it, up the east coast. we continue to be under the gun for showers during the course of the morning hours but later on today we'll get some sunshine breaking through the clouds on what will be a breezy
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day. 73 degrees is the current temperature in the district. 68 at dulles. 72 in baltimore. patuxent naval air station is at 74 degrees. your forecast for today, early clouds and rain, giving way to afternoon sun. breezy, winds out of the southeast at 10-15 miles per hour. 81 for the high today. that's a look at the weather. now let's get an update on traffic with julie wright. a lot going on on the roads this morning. let's start off in maryland. southbound along 270 on the brakes out of germantown into rockville. the local lanes improving southbound toward falls road. the main line jammed up badly, germantown to the split. outer loop slow from route 1 college park. crash on the outer loop at 202 now cleared. bw parkway and 95 slow out of laurel down to the beltway. coming in through northeast washington, live shot of new york avenue at bladensberg road. slow toward the exit for the third street tunnel. all lanes are open in virginia. northbound 95 jammed up from
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springfield continuing northbound up to duke street before the pace improves. delays at the inner loop at 266. slow at 267 for the crash, two left lanes tied up. southbound 28, stay to the right to get by. that's a check of your fox 5 on- time traffic. happening right now, a search for cows that may have died in a livestock fire in northern virginia. it happened at about 8:00 last night at the fauquier county stock exchange in marshall. 250 cattle were inside when the three-alarm fire started. they have only found five dead animals in the barn and they expect to find more when daylight comes. firefighters from six countys had to come together to fight the fire and the cause under investigation. a 2-year-old boy shoots himself from a handgun hidden under his older brother's bed.
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this morning the toddler is fighting for his life here in the district. this happening around 1:30 monday morning inside a hagerstown apartment. the boy shot himself with a gun that was stolen. they are charging the 16-year- old brother as an adult and facing several firearms violation and they charged his girlfriend after trying to hide the gun at a nearby park. someone attacked a 21-year- old in germantown around 3:00 a.m. when a man grabbed her from behind and dragged her into the woods and assaulted a d.c. judg the trial of the man accused of killing chandra levy. the trial was supposed to start next week but the judge has
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pose uponned it saying the prosecution -- the judge postponed it. ingmar guandeke has pled not guilty. and a shakeup in the obama administration where rahm emanual is expected to step down. it could happen sometime this week. the shakeup in the administration comes just as the president is trying to rally the troops for november. sarah simmons is live outside of the white house with the latest details. sarah? >> reporter: well steve, the president would like to have the decision out of the way before the mid-term election and a source close to rahm emanual said they do expect him to announce his decision possibly by as early as friday about whether or not he'll leave his post and if he decides to run for mayor of chicago. he was kind as a bad cop to the president's good cop. rahm emanual rarely one to bite his tongue. but he is expected to leave the
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white house later this week to contemplate running for mayor of chicago. the president has already seen the writing on the wall. >> i have said, i think he would be an excellent mayor. but until he makes a decision, i'm not going to be making decisions about how i'm going to approach it. >> reporter: he would follow much of the president's economic team out of the door. it comes as the white house has a packed campaign itinerary for the president. a last-ditch effort so save control over congress. >> in the last two and you four years when democrats were excited about barack obama winning the white house and trying to take over congress. now the entire dynamic has flipped and now it's republicans who are excited. >> reporter: the president is trying to rally and in spire college voters with a stop in madison, wisconsin, and joe biden is waging his own campaign. >> why don't i hush up and start to take questions. >> reporter: he didn't hush up
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for long. at one point telling supporters yesterday to stop whining. a blunt message as the white house braces for big changes. >> rahm emanual is looking to succeed richard daley. he has announced he will not run for re-election in 2011 and this is the perfect time for rahm emanual to step in. but the big factor is what kind of impact this could have on his family and so he is still weighing those options. but the president has mentioned that he needs to make the decision soon since he would be running for election in february there in chicago. we're live near the white house, sarah simmons, fox 5 morning news. and the president stirred
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up long time debate about d.c. schools, while fielding the question about quality of education here on national television. he talked about d.c. schools in relation to the private school his daughters go to. >> reporter: a florida woman appearing on the nbc today show hit the proceed with the toughest question of the day. >> i want to know whether or not malia and sasha would get the same high quality education in a d.c. public school as compared to their elite private academy they are attending now? >> i'll be blunt with you. the answer is no now. the d.c. public schools are struggling. now they have made some important improvements to move to reform. >> reporter: math proficiency
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jumped from 27-43%. the obama children attend sidwell friends, a private school where tuition is $31,000 this year. a different situation from public schools. >> in a public school they make sure they are well fed or studying at home and in private school you may have kids who are well fed, whose parents are very invested in their education and are ensuring they are doing homework and studying. >> reporter: dcs said we realize the important steps to reform d.c. public schools. we are proud of the growth our students have shown during the three years of reform and that will continue until d.c. has the world class public education system that the district's children deserve. beth parker, fox 5 news. >> now the president did say there are terrific individual public schools in d.c. and across america. jimmy carter was the last president to send his kids to a public school in washington. later this hour we'll take a
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closer look at the comments the president made and we'll be joined by the director of independent schools of washington and the president of the national education association and we'll talk with them coming up in a few minutes. we will learn more today about the state of the d.c. budget when the chief financial officer gives a press conference in the wilson building this afternoon. there are reports that the d.c. budget deficit is worse than expected. $100million off the mark for the up coming fiscal year. according to the post, the district is projecting a $135 million deficit. what is to blame? a drop in sales and income tax and d.c. public schools and a $33 million shortage in medicaid funding due to cuts by congress. well a big blow to the struggling washington national opera. opera singer placido domingo said he won't stay on. the washington post is
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reporting that he told the opera board on monday that he won't renew his contract when it expires next june. he first came on board as artistic director in 1996 and over the years brought in big productions and international stars. the post said the opera is considering a merger with the kennedy center to survive. a soldier makes a shocking claim about the death of afghan civilians. what he said about a plot. and starting on friday you'll have to keep the hands off the phone and on the wheel while driving in the state of maryland. and as we go to break, a live look outside of the tower cam. a beautiful shot there. we'll check in with tony for our forecast and julie has traffic coming up.
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ultimate rewards is available on chase credit, debit and business cards. chase what matters. four years ago, bob ehrlich got fired as governor of maryland. for good reason. first, he protected tax loopholes for giant cable cable companies. then, he let utilities jack up our rates 72%. and for the last four years, he worked as a hired gun for big corporations, even a bank that took billions from a taxpayer funded bailout. ehrlich sides with corporate executives again and again and again tell bob ehrlich big banks and billionares don't need help. middle class marylanders do.
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flooding is devastating parts of the midwest. the wisconsin river turned a rural neighborhood into a virtual island. the waters are expected to hold steady today and begin resaiding after that. in dell rapids, south dakota they are fighting flood levels. water levels are expected to drop and minnesota is in recovery mode. and a heat wave is baking parts of southern california. the heat caused widespread power outages. 30,000 homes lost power and wildfires broke out across southern california. temperatures are expected to be hot but not as bad.
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when you see the beach, it's hard to feel sorry for those people. >> imagine being in l.a. traffic in that weather. >> that's what we should show. the heat coming off of the roads. >> it's tough to feel bad when you know you have the beach to cool down. well the heat wave continues in l.a. >> we're a united front, tony. go ahead. >> they won't hit 113 today, but the projected high today 102. so very hot there in southern california. let's look at hd radar. we'll show you our area. it is a cool -- not a cool but mild start to the day. much cooler air here than what they have out there. we have some misty conditions and light rain showers here and there across the region. that is about it for now. a few showers here or there. they are hit and miss. out to the north and west, there are some areas under a severe thunderstorm warning until 7:30. that is well out to the north and west. we're talking parts of west
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virginia, western maryland, places like that. here is a look at the national satellite radar. the most active weather in the country is in our part of the country, the north east, mid- atlantic and across the east coast states. that's where we are seeing rainfall. some of it heavy. maybe some lightning here and there down to the south but for the most part, slow pressure system pulling up to the north so they have a lot of rain today in the northeastern united states. the rainfall that we get will be during the morning hours and then wrapping up. 73 is your current temperature. l.a. is 74. so not that big of a difference. the difference will be in where we land later today. it will be around 80, 81. they'll be 101-102. and here is your forecast for the next five days. partly sunny and breezy. winds out of the south 10-15 miles per hour. high temperature 81 degrees today. tomorrow maybe morning sun but then the clouds build in. rain develops late in the day. high of 74. rain on thursday could be heavy at times and heavy rain on
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wednesday night and into thursday as well. then friday things calm down, mostly sunny and 73. saturday sunshine and 70 degrees for your high on saturday. that's a look at the weather. more is coming up in just a little bit. >> thank you, tony. let's check in with julie wright for a look at traffic. >> steve, a lot of people sitting in the bumper-to-bumper traffic. off of 295, leaving the suit land parkway into the 11th street bridge. pennsylvania avenue to the sousa bridge. slow from route 1 college park past new hampshire avenue and continuing toward your exit at georgia avenue. southbound 29, you are on the brakes, white oak toward university boulevard. 270 jammed up badly. germantown to the lane divide. now traveling in on 66, this is a live shot out of vienna, leaving 123 and toward the beltway. doesn't appear to be bad here. it is below speed but all of our gridlock traffic out on 66 is still stuck back in manassas. we have delays there and then
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through centreville, more slow traffic leaving 7100. southbound on the dulles toll road -- or 28 at the dulles toll road, accident reported there. 95 in the express lanes and main line slow toward duke street. that's a check of your fox 5 on- time traffic. reminder that drivers in maryland have to go hands free as a new law kicks in at the end of the week. it's a secondary offense. the police must see you doing something else wrong like speeding. it's $40 for the first offense, $100 for the second offense and comes with no points unless you get into an accident. five american soldiers are facing a court marshall for killing afghan civilians allegedly for fun. a hearing is underway in the state of washington into the most serious war crime cases from the war. jeremy morelock and others randomly killed civilians. the soldiers mute ill ated the
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bodies and posed for pictures with them. the five soldiers say they are nothing. history is made in north korea this morning. kim jong-il promoted his son to four star general. he is reportedly 28 years old and there is widespread speculation that he will become the next leader. the elder kim is in bad health and giving family members top posts. the move is seen as kim's attempt to create a dynasty in north korea. the income back between the richest and poorest americans continues to grow. new census figures show the top earning 20% of people making more than $100,000 received 49.4% of all income generated in the u.s. last year. those below the poverty line earn just 3.4%. ratio of 14.5 to one was an
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increase from 13.6 in 2008. the u.s. had the greatest income disparity through all industrialized nations. there is still a pay gap between men and women. there is a hearing today on this matter and we're going to take a closer look in the next hour. and also coming up, nuclear sites shut down without warning and now some former air force veterans are revealing the stunning reason it's happening. that's coming up next. and have you wanted to take over some of your cars minor repairs but being held back by not having the right equipment. an auto shop in virginia can help you do it yourself. holly has more on that coming up. hi. i'm jim perdue.
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in case of everyday emergencies... guys, go get changed! ...or soccer practice, it's important to be prepared for dinner. that's why i've prepared my perdue perfect portions fresh chicken breasts. they're individually wrapped, so you can cook what you need and store what you don't. we're not playing helicopter now. ready when you are, they're trimmed of fat and consistently sized to cook in just 10 minutes. life's not perfect. that's why there's perdue perfect portions. [ male announcer ] perdue perfect portions. ready when you are.
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are aliens from outer space visiting nuclear sites. it's no group of laughing matter to a group of air force vets. they are revealing a secret they say for years and have
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evidence to back it up. tom fitzgerald has more. >> reporter: at first glance they could be any group of retired military veterans. >> i was a missile launch officer. >> communication electronics officer. >> combat missile targeting team commander. >> reporter: but besides their service in the air force, these men share something else. >> a white pulsating light in the sky. dark metallic in appearance with strange markings. >> reporter: stories that sound out of this world. >> they fully illuminated round object was hovering silently over the missile silo and shining a light down onto it. and then from this dead stop, it shoots off to the east, just like now you see it, now you don't. >> reporter: flying saucers, aliens, visitors -- whatever they are called, the veterans claim to have seen ufo's over 1960s nuclear missile sites as they say briefly shut the facilities down when the ufo's
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were there. >> this planet is being visited by beings from another world. >> reporter: sound farfetched? well the group produced old air force documents accounting reports of flying disks, flying saucers and balls of fire. the same type robert salas said he saw while stations at maelstrom air force base. >> a object hovering around our front gate. >> reporter: and aliens visiting the planet is nothing new, but critics reports to looking into it are very old and now with concrete proof. >> roger lenny is senior curator of the space museum said he has questioned this for years and have come away a nonbeliever. >> i probe pretty hard what kind of evidence there is to support this and i have yet to see any.
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>> reporter: but these veterans insist they have seen the proof with their own eyes but can't say for sure who or what may actually be out there. >> your guess is as good as mine and i can't answer that question. >> reporter: in washington. tom fitzgerald, fox 5 news. >> we contacted the u.s. air force office of special investigations here at andrews afb and they told us they have received a lot of questions but they are not aware of any open cases on ufo's or alien sightings at nuclear missile locations. coming up, the president making comments about d.c. schools. they have been at the center of much debate of schools in general. we're going to take a closer look coming up next. n
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welcome back. it's 7:30. it's not as rainy and not as miserable as yesterday to start. >> but we'll be okay. we've had some rain showers. heavy pockets of rain has diminished and we'll see gradually improving conditions.
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we will be breezy today. we'll look at that. we'll start at hd radar and show you how things are shaping up across its region. and it is quieted down -- is that right. >> that's how spencer says it. >> is that right. >> and she's six. >> okay. toward annapolis. shower activity. severna park getting showers and a couple of pockets of heavier rainfall. nothing really happening in the district. off to the west, south and west, we have a few pockets of rainfall but for the most part we're precipitation-free as we start to wrap up this rain even. we'll get round two tomorrow. but right now we start to see improvement in the region. let's take a look at the rainfall totals that we saw as of midnight last night. reagan national two-tenths of an inch of rain.
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they this one-ten. >> the day before. dulles just over one-tenth. bwi, over an inch of rain there. the other story this morning, breezy conditions. right now winds blowing at 15 miles per hour. winds out of the south, southeast, pushing the rainfall out of here. it brought the rain and now pushing it out of here as an area of low pressure continues to move up to the north. big picture radar. you can see that general motion. there is your low, right around there, spinning in the atmosphere here. winds out of the south. still a lot of moisture out there across the southeast, particularly right along the east coast. ving it looks o the north, but like much of that will move to the east. not so much in the washington area. still can't rule out a shower or two in the mornings, but that will push off to the east. if you're east of washington you're likely to see some continuing rainfall during the day today. current temperatures -- we remain at 73 in the district. 70 in gaithersburg, 72 in quantico. 73 in annapolis where you are getting rain.
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dulles airport is 69 degrees at this hour. your forecast for washington for today, early clouds and rain will give way to some afternoon sunshine. a warmer day, a little bit warmer, 81 degrees for your high today. i think this is the warmest day of the week. five-day forecast, tomorrow could start with some sun, then some late rain develops again. overnight wednesday into thursday, that rain could be heavy. and then during the day on thursday, rain could be heavy as well. 74 for the high then. friday i think the nicest day of the workweek, mostly sunny and 73. saturday nice but a high of only 70 degrees. some of you will top out in the 60s on saturday. that's a look at the weather. now here is julie wright with a look at traffic. still a congested commute around the capital beltway. not a lot of room to move through 202 through greenbelt and then along georgia avenue. out of rockville leaving for the split and the lanes are open. look at the local lanes are tied up trying to merge into
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the main line and toward old georgetown road and down the spur toward democracy boulevard. to incidents to report south on 29. jammed up from white oak. traffic lights are flashing red, so treat this intersection as a four-way stop. meanwhile, traveling inbound south capital street to the douglas bridge but slow go from the suitland parkway. expect delays southbound, pennsylvania avenue rolling down the hill from branch toward the sousa bridge slow. and in virginia a crash reported along at the dulles toll road and for those traveling on 95 still tied up leaving newington toward the 14th street bridge. that's a check of your your fox 5 on-time traffic. our big story this morning, the reaction to the president's comments yesterday. some controversy over the state of public schools in the district. yesterday on the today show, a florida woman asked the president if he thought his daughters could get just as good of an education in a d.c.
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public school as they get in private school. here is what he had to say. >> i'll be blunt with you. the answer is no right now. the d.c. public school systems are struggling. now they have made some important strides over the last several years to move in the direction of reform. >> now in the district test scores have jumped significantly. since 2007 when major reforms began in d.c. under the watch of michelle rhee. even show, less than half of the students at d.c. public schools are reading and doing imagine at their grade level. joining us to talk about this, tom talk from the association of independent schools of greater washington and dennis mayer from the national association of education. and let me ask you first and get your response to what the proceed had to say and whether or not you felt he was out of line in saying this? >> in truth, we don't want any child in america to go to a school that isn't effective and i think that's what the conversation is about. and maybe his comment will
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stimulate a greater discussion. but the real issue is that we have to change public schools. we have to -- across the country. we have to live up the ideals we say, that every child deserves a great public school. >> and we'll talk about those changes. and what was your response to what you heard from the president yesterday? >> i think in sending his daughters to sidwell school is what any parent would do is trying to give his children their best education. >> and the goal is to do better in what way? >> our company has changed a lot in the 50 years. 50 years ago there are a lot of students who didn't graduate from high school. there were jobs in manufacturing and farming. the world has changed. so in the 21st century what do students need to know and do. the world of technology and so on. and so i think we have to reassess what we want the schools to accomplish and make it happen for every student. >> one of the things that the president said in a follow-up
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to we just heard him make. he went on to say there are some great schools in d.c. and he's not saying that all are bad. and we had this discussion earlier. saying that in many urban districts there may be some great schools but then maybe some schools that may be falling a bit behind. how do you work that challenge of trying to get all schools in this particular district to be on a level field? >> i've been in education a long time and when you look for lasting change, i think the key is slab reagan national. when you can get a school board, the management and employees and their unions together to say let's reach out to parents in the community and decide what do we need to do together to change what is happening to students and i think that's the, quote, magic formula, that collaboration and making sure we do this together. >> and one of the arguments that some people make and what may have been reinforced by what the president said yesterday, those who may be in public schools right now may feel they don't have the resources for private
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education, they may pinpoint that and say private education is more of an elitist type thing and only for those who can afford to go to a private school. is there a way to make private school more available to more people or is there a way to justify the rational behind it at this point. >> well in the washington, d.c. area, there are many different types of independent or private schools. some don't charge any tuition, some provide the best education money can buy. 86 schools in my organization represent a wide variety of educational strategies and styles to serve a wide range of students. montessori schools, waldorf schools, single sex schools. the list is very long. they provide nearly $100 million a year of financial aid and as i say, some of them charge only a nominal tuition what do you see as the advantage over a private school where a lot of these -- the revenues are coming in from the tuition as opposed to coming in
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from the government or from mandated programs? >> well in the independent schools in this area. you tend to find smaller, more personalized learning environments, commitment to art, music, enrichment, safety is a high priority between students and teachers so the goal is to provide individualized instruction as much as possible. >> at the same time from a public aspect if you are relying on municipalities and governments to provide funding, do you feel like your hands are tied as not having as much say as to what goes into the educational content? >> it's a more complex system i believe. on the other hand the things that tom mentioned that i think every parent wants that for their students. we have to lift them up. we have our priority schools campaign. some call them low-performing schools and we think they ought to be high priority. and every single school where we have an affiliate that
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receives money and we work with them and say let's do what we say needs to be done. work with administrators, management and us to say let's change the school. and we believe that's the way you can transform what is happening in public schools. more attention to students, better class size, we can do this. >> let's go back to what the president had to say and be quite blunt about it. do you feel parents and students can get as good an education in public schools here in the nation's capital as in private schools? >> i know no parent should have to choose to go somewhere else to get a good education in that community. there ought to be a school where every student has the abilities to achiever their goals and dreams. >> and do you find the enrollment in private schools and what parents are looking for, do you feel they are enrolling in private schools because they don't believe the education quality is as good in public schools or it is better because there is some specialty
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in private schools not available in the public sector. >> that's a good question. it's a combination. but we find the parents are trying to serve the individual needs of their student. and every school is different and in the private and charter school sector, there are many choices, many options and that's a great gift to parents in this region. >> as far as you see it, it's getting to a higher level and i'm sure this is a ongoing push for all of the schools to be-- the best. any target to achieve in the near future? >> what i mentioned, i think the administration locus on the lowest performing 5% of schools. that's a good focus. we feed to change that. the status quo is not acceptable. for the last 20-25 years we've only graduated in this country 75% and we have to change that.
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and to start someplace, where should you look at those lowest performing, make them priorities and let's change what is happening. >> we appreciate you both coming in this morning. i wish you both the best of luck, in both private and public endeavors. we have more for you coming up on fox 5 morning news. despite being at the lowest levels ever, there is still a pay gap between men and women and we'll talk about that coming up. the joint economic committee is holding a hearing today. so we'll look at the gender pay gap coming up. the time is now 7:42. [ announcer ] complete opposites... in complete harmony. introducing the sport hybrid. [ engine revving ] ♪ [ dance rock ] ♪ hey ♪ [ woman vocalizing ] the combination only honda could engineer.
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right here in this neighborhood, i grew up learning strong families and hard work means opportunity. and that starts with good schools. it's a tradition here in maryland-- and why in these tough times i've put education first. we've made record investments in our classrooms... doubled the number of charter schools... and we've frozen college tuition for four years in a row. and it's working. experts say we now have the number one schools in the nation. when it comes to expanding opportunity in every neighborhood, i know that we must do even better.
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it is 7:45 right now as we are watching rain drops early this morning. how does it look now? >> not so many. i just stepped outside of our studios in northwest washington but it's still misty. >> like it might come on down any minute. >> but many of us are not seeing rain. take a look at hd radar and we'll show you where we have
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the precipitation at this hour. again, the heavy rain is pushed off now. we are seeing a couple of light showers here and there. the areas in green. moving from the south to the north. so some of you are getting rain, some of you are not. that's the way it will be during the course of the rest of the morning. here is what is going on. let's look at the graphics. the surface map for today. essentially we have these rain showers training through the area across the -- up the east coast, through the mid-atlantic into the northeast. abundant tropical moisture from the south being pulled up to the north by one area of low pressure, then another. more rain coming in for thursday and again a shot at getting heavy rain i think wednesday night and into thursday and then during the day on thursday as well. maybe a few inches of rain before it's all over. so it's like this week we're trying to make up for the rainfall deficit we've had all year. here is your five-day forecast. high today about 81. believe it or not, after we get the rain showers out of here, we believe we could see some
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rays of sun this afternoon. doesn't feel like it right now, but we think that will happen as the low continues to move north. some rays of sun will take us to about 80 degrees. tomorrow, 74, rain developing late in the day. i can't give you an exact time. my best guess would be during the evening rush hour tomorrow. more rain showers developing, rain could be heavy overnight wednesday into thursday. thursday periods of heavy rain. friday we start to dry out. 73 and mostly sunny. saturday 70 for the high. that's the latest on the weather. >> my problem is with the humidity. by the end of yesterday i looked like anne. you know what i'm talking about. >> i would like to put you outside and see the time lapse. >> we could do that. >> and it is humid outside. >> the sun will come out tomorrow. >> julie, you can take the next line because i'm out of this
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one. >> i was just thinking that, but she stole my line. so i'll let you be the star on this one. >> we'll share it. >> hey, you're the star. i'm just the accessory. >> and that was tony singing along with her. >> i thought that was the dog howling. >> i'm the understudy. on the roads right now, all of the wet pavement left us in gridlock in the op from route 1 college park past silver spring and toward bethesda. southbound 95 jammed up from 198. the bw parkway slow out of laurel. northbound 95 is where we had the crash to eastbound 32. connecticut avenue at veers mill is a four-way stop. 270 on the brakes from clarksburg to the lane divide. douglas bridge, gridlock across the anacostia and to the freeway. and delays across pennsylvania avenue toward the sousa bridge. out to the west on the dulles toll road, a mess from 657.
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crash reported at route 7, eastbound 50 at sill more for the accident on the right side of the road and the beltway is sticky between annandale and merrifield. that's a check of your fox 5 on- time traffic. well taking your car into the shop for something as simple as an oil change can really add up. >> no doubt a lot of people wish they could do the work themselves but they don't have the tools to do it and that's why we have holly morris. >> reporter: well it's called do it yourself mechanics and it's great if you know what you are doing. actually, even if you don't know what you are doing, this might be the place for you. we'll talk about this whole new concept in auto repair. stay with us.
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words alone aren't enough. my job is to listen to the needs and frustrations of the shrimpers and fishermen, hotel or restaurant workers who lost their jobs to the spill. i'm iris cross. bp has taken full responsibility for the clean up in the gulf and that includes keeping you informed. our job is to listen and find ways to help. that means working with communities. restoring the jobs, tourist beaches, and businesses impacted by the spill. we've paid over $400 million in claims and independently-run claims fund to cover lost income until people impacted can get back to work. and our efforts aren't coming at tax-payer expense. i know people are wondering--
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now that the well is capped, is bp gonna meet its commitments? i was born in new orleans. my family still lives here. i'm gonna be here until we make this right.
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a vehicle repair shop in sterling, virginia, now open and it allows you to work on your own car. >> holly is there with her pretty powder blue vet to learn more about do-it-yourself auto repair. >> if you find me a place like that, i'm in shape. >> reporter: this is fun. and i've been doing this a long time and it's rare that we find new concepts. and i say that because this is not a new concept in the grand
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scheme of things but new for the public. and that's what ed crowe thought. >> thank you for coming out. >> reporter: thank you for letting us know about it. this isn't necessarily a new concept? >> that is correct. this has been around many years on the military bases throughout the world for the military personnel to come in and work on cars and save money. i just extended this to the general public and the people coming in here have been saving a tremendous amount of money. >> reporter: well let's take a tour and tell me how it all works. >> a customer comes in, they work with joe here, my customer sales representative, and then they come in and they sign in and they have a few things to fill out. they do have a waiver here involved. and once they sign in, then they go to the bays area over here and we check them in. we have them pull into the bays and in turn we set the lift --
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set the lifts for them and then eddie our mechanic on staff will work with them if need be. >> reporter: so it's do it yourself with help. >> with what you need. >> reporter: that gives you a little comfort level. but one of my questions is it seems like nowadays with newer cars, it seems like so much you have to run the diagnostics and so much is computerized, how much can you still really do yourself? >> you can do a lot. there is a tremendous amount of people that do their own brakes, exhaust systems and we've had people come in and change engines. and also transmissions and things like that. so we have a facility here that incorporates all of the tools necessary. >> reporter: which is a huge savings because obviously a lot of people say you live in a townhouse or apartment or even a house you may not have the specialty tools and you have them available here. >> that's correct.
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>> reporter: so how much money can someone really save? because you have to rent the space. >> the space here is $18 an hour and it comes with a 210 piece tool set. we also have a variety of specialty tools that you can rent by the hour. and they are from $1 to $8. so by the time somebody does a break job and they take it somewhere to be in the $100 to $150 range, they could save probably over 50% in the $60 to $70 range. >> reporter: and the big thing you are saving on is the labor in and of itself. >> yes. >> reporter: and what if you have not just a quick job. maybe it's a longer-term project? >> we have available rates for daily and weekly and monthly rates on that. so they are allowed to keep the car in overnight if they like. it's in a secure place here. and so they can come back in the next morning and start working on their car again.
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>> reporter: ed, are you going to be honest with me if i ask the next question. >> yes. >> reporter: this is the cleanest i've ever seen. >> we have some big messes here and we clean it up on a daily basis so people can be safe. we want people to be safe and have a good experience and have a good car. >> reporter: so i might have just stumbled on to something. do you help with the clean-up? >> from time to time. >> reporter: that might be worth it in itself right there. >> we have all oil collections that we collect all of the oil, anti-freeze, transmission oil, so we keep all of the oil here and we are planning in the winter to burn the oil. and it's accepted by epa. >> reporter: is our website and we have the link here. and coming up, you can't be at an auto repair shop and not get your hands dirty so we'll see just how much i can indeed do
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it myself this morning. back to you. >> we believe in you, holly. and i think that's a great concept. a great idea. >> if only i could do some of that stuff. >> that's why they have somebody there to help you. but you have to do some of the work yourself. >> that's right. coming up after 8:00, a closer look at the pay gap between men and women and what is being done to close it. and john finestein joins us with a rivalry mystery at the army-navy game. three minutes before 8:00 now. n
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ahead at 8:00, sources say white house chief of staff rahm emanual is calling it quits. we are live on the hill with more on where he may be going and who might replace him. and then president barack obama telling democrats to get it together ahead of the november election. his warning, plus a look at his ipod play list. >> interesting. >> that's coming up this hour. >> quite diverse. and word this morning that the emergency landing that was caught on camera could have been prevented. we'll talk about that coming up as well. thanks for being with us. it's tuesday, i'm steve chenevey. >> and i'm allison seymour. thanks for joining us today. and tony perkins is joining us
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now and he's got a look at what we can expect weather wise this tuesday. >> some changes. we have a few rain showers ott there this morning but by later on today we expect those to have ended and maybe get some sunshine breaking out later on this afternoon. let's look at hd radar. we'll start with that and show you where the precipitation is now. we are not really seeing any heavy rain, just a couple of spots of precip here and there. i mentioned that right now i think it will primarily be to the east and that's where it is. some showers moving across eastern portions of maryland, prince george's county, anne arundel county, places like that. across the chesapeake bay and up to the north toward baltimore and beyond actually. here is a look at the big picture, satellite radar as we go to the graphics. this area of low pressure continues to spin and move to the north. as it swirls it pulls the moisture up from the south into the mid-atlantic and the northeast. northeast will get a good amount of rainfall today. for us, in the mid-atlantic, it's pulling out of the mid-
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atlantic region. so we'll see gradually improving conditions. current temperatures around the region, we are at 73 degrees here. it's 72 in fredericksberg. 72 in baltimore. ocean city is at 71. winchester is at 68. forecast for today, a couple of showers this morning. we have a coastal flood advisory in effect until 5:00 p.m. because of the rain and the winds, which are out of the south 10-15 miles per hour tend to push the water up on shore. 81 degrees for the high today. more details on the forecast coming up in just a little bit. >> thank you, tony. we'll check in with julie wright for a look at traffic. how does rush hour look? >> busy. we have a lot going on around the capital beltway, delays from andrews toward 202. more slow traffic out of greenbelt through silver spring. this is the inner loop of the beltway in the direction of the river road. incident inside of the beltway on river causing that delay. outer loop not so bad headed for the american legion bridge on the wet pavement. 66 delays out of manassas. on and off the brakes from
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centerville to the beltway and the toll road jammed up out of reston. crash reported at 7100 at the toll road and still in the process of cleaning that up. 95 jammed up, dale city to the beltway and 395 delays from duke street toward seminary. but this looks better than 95. slow traffic across the 14th street bridge. westbound free way checking for a crash. 295 slow before the suitland parkway before the 11th street bridge. capital street, stalled car. stalled car on the sousa bridge tieing up the left lane. a lot of slow-go in the southeast. that's a check of your fox 5 on- time traffic. now to a developing story with all eyes on the white house where there is reports that the white house chief of staff will step down. he will likely pursue other political aspirations away from washington. sarah simmons has more on our top story. >> reporter: well, steve, rahm emanual has long had aspirations of becoming the mayor of chicago and sources are saying that possibly this
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friday he may make an announcement about his decisionb as to -- a decision as to whether or not he will run for mayor. there was word he would leave his post before, but once richard daley announced would not run again, speculation grew even more. now he has long expressed his interest in running for the mayor of chicago and a source close to emanuel said he has not made a final decision yet. president obama had this to say about rum -- rahm emanual leaving. >> i have said he'll be an excellent mayor but until he makes a decision, i won't make decisions about how i will approach it. >> reporter: now a little bit more about emanuel looking to succeed richard m.daley.
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he is the second longest office holder after his father. and daley saying he will not run in 2011 and this is the time for rahm emanual to step in for something he's wanted to do for many years. now for daily stepping down, it looks like it is very open for somebody to step in. but the president has mentioned that rum will have -- he will have to make a decision soon. the mid-term elections are coming up. and also the mayoral race for 2011 will be coming in february -- this coming february. so not a lot of time left. we're live in the white house, sarah simmons, back to you. >> sarah, thank you very much. the president telling democrats to quote, unquote, buck up in an interview with rolling stone magazine due out on friday. the president criticizes the lack of enthusiasm ahead of the november election calling it inexcusable and irresponsible. right now democrats control congress but republicans are poised to gain seats in both chambers and perhaps win a majority in the house. now also in that interview, the
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president gives the country a look at the 2000 songsond his ipod. there are classics by bob dylan and rolling stones and also naz and lil wayne. he calls it solace in the most difficult of days. the city is projecting a $175 million deficit for 2011 so what is to blame? $100million drop in sales and income tax, $25 million in cost overruns by d.c. public schools -- public schools and cuts due from congress. the mayor fenty's office is expected to present a plan. d.c. has seen budget shortfalls since 2008. also new this morning, several cows are dead after a big fire at a livestock facility in virginia. now this happened at about 8:00 last night at the fauquier county livestock exchange in marshall. about 250 cattle were inside
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the facility when the three- alarm fire started. investigators originally thought as many as 50 cattle had died. now they say they have found only five dead in the barn but they expect to find others when they search nearby fields. six counties helped fight that fire. a building collapsed and they saw a woman standing outside before it crashed down around 4:00 yesterday afternoon but search crews did not find anybody in the rubble. this happened on the west side of baltimore. so far no word on what caused the collapse. investigators in montgomery county are looking for a rapist this morning. a woman said she was attacked while walking a frederick road near high point road in germantown early sunday morning. the man grabbed her from behind, she said he forced her into nearby woods and assaulted her. it is a crime that has people in the area very concerned. >> it's scary to hear, because i'm here in this area almost
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every day because my son is at the academy of martial arts so we come here for his class. so when i heard this, i was really shocked. >> police are asking folks to be extra careful, especially at night. in silver spring, meantime place are working nuclear -- are working to track down a hit- and-run driver. the woman hit is in grave condition today. neighbors have had an on going problem with speeding drivers. police recovered a passenger side view mirror at the scene. they think the car may have been a dark honda sedan. it appears that a ban on handheld phones while driving is not enough to reduce distracted driving accidents. a new report by the highway lost data institute on texting -- bans found that crashes are up. it increased among younger drivers, those under the age of 25, after the bans took effect
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researchers think the rise in accidents may be because some drivers are putting their phones down in their laps. >> we're not sure why we found this, but one possibility is that for the drivers that are still continuing to text in an effort to hide the texting from police, they may be actually doing it more dangerously. but that is just a theory. >> the findings are consistent with another study that found that banning held held phone use does not reduce crashes. but a reminder drivers in maryland will go hands-free. new law kicks in on friday. the state law is a secondary offense, meaning police must pull you over for another offense. like speeding. fine is $40 for a first offense, $100 for a second offense and no points unless you get into an accident. but texting while driving, they can pull you over just for that. >> a friend dropped a little
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coinage at the verizon store yesterday and now i have all i need. >> you are responsible. >> i don't want to get assessed. a closer look at the pay gap between men and women in america and what is being done to close it. >> and then the genius grants have been handed out and a baltimore man is one of the recipients. we'll keck out more headlines when fox 5 morning news comes right back. 
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right here in this neighborhood, i grew up learning strong families and hard work means opportunity. and that starts with good schools. it's a tradition here in maryland-- and why in these tough times i've put education first. we've made record investments in our classrooms... doubled the number of charter schools... and we've frozen college tuition for four years in a row. and it's working. experts say we now have the number one schools in the nation. when it comes to expanding opportunity in every neighborhood, i know that we must do even better.
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sin now 8:13. a maryland teenager facing five charges as an adult after his 2- year-old brother found a gun under a bed and shot himself. police charged the girlfriend of the 16-year-old for hiding the gun on a nearby playground after the shooting. the toddler is still in critical condition at children's hospital here in d.c. a d.c. judge has delayed the trial of killing chandra levy. the trial was supposed to start next week but the judge has postponed it until october
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18th. saying the prosecution needs extra time to resolve an issue with a witness. and among the genius grant winners, baltimore's david simon who is the create of shows like homicide and the wire. each recipient gets half a million dollars, allowing them to be more creative without worrying about money. maybe he'll have a new show in the works. >> that's fantastic. he has that tremain on hbo. next year it's you, steve. i can feel it. >> i have to find a talent. >> you have a year to work on it. >> talent is giving accurate weather forecasts. >> that's it? >> do you think that's a good one? >> he's funny and handsome. >> that's a great award. do you apply for it or do they find you? >> i think they find you. but i don't know. >> but you could apply for it based on your handsomeness.
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>> just on the creative part. >> and he's a well-dressed man. >> thank you very much. let's do this. presenting pictures of cute little kids. and it's a two-fer. no it's a one-fer. >> it's a reflection. >> i just lost that grant. >> you're no genius. [ laughter ] >> you can name the jersey that the youngster is wearing? >> that's the blackhawks -- no the red wings. >> aren't those the capitals? >> the capitals. >> he just didn't see it. >> i couldn't tell because the thing is right -- let's talk about how cute gracey is. >> forget the grant, you're giving away money now. >> this is gracey at one of the caps games. she's real concerned about the school. her family said she's a big fan of the caps. she went to her first game when she was just 22 days old. now that is -- not only is she a fan, her parents are fans.
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>> i expect that. >> i'm going to the game, honey. all right, i'll take the baby. >> no, i'm going with you. >> to send us your child's picture, go to and click on mornings. that photo should win an award. >> you get a feelings that hanging on the wall in their house. >> it should be. that's great. and let's look at other pictures. here is your satellite radar for the mid-atlantic. there is a lot of moisture out there. we still have drippy conditions around our area. some mist and light rain. you think a lot -- we think a lot will track across the eastern portions of viewing area moving to the north and we're still not out of the woods and we could see more precipitation. right now reagan national airport, 74 degrees. we have a blank screen here. what is happening? there it is. we lost a map. it is 74 degrees. what i want to tell you is our winds, they are blowing at 20
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miles per hour. gusting up to 25 miles per hour. so that will be one of the main features of today. breezy conditions because of the low pressure system off to the west as it pulls out. we have the winds pushing the rain out of here gradually as well. your five-day forecast, look for a high today of about 81 degrees. could see some sunshine later on today. tomorrow more rain develops. we need this rain, folks. but we're trying to make up for the deficit in one week. that's not so great. late rain on wednesday, could be heavy overnight into thursday. maybe some areas of heavy rain on thursday as well. we start to clear out and dry out on friday. saturday high of about 70 degrees with some sunshine. that's a look at what is happening with the weather. now let's get an update on traffic and for that we go to julie wright. you didn't think that was a blackhawks jersey, did you? >> from where i'm sitting and the monitor that i have it's dark. there was a banner across it. i'm serious, it was hard to tell. >> gracey, if i see you at the game tonight, i'll buy you some cotton candy. >> are you going tonight? >> yes.
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>> fantastic. >> my jersey is bigger than hers though. >> well, a little. [ laughter ] >> you know what -- what was that? >> well your a grown woman. >> southbound 270 at gaithersburg toward the lane divide, all lanes here are open. southbound 29 slows at randolph road toward university boulevard. and southbound 95 still jammed up from the icc work headed south. bw parkway slowing in laurel and from the pepsi plant to the kenilworth avenue split. and out of virginia across the 14th street bridge, heavy and steady as you work to the southeast-southwest freeway. inbound south capital street, stalled car in the right lane. on sousa brick, stalled car taking up the left lane. that's a check of your fox 5 on- time traffic. a judge is deciding if a police chief should be disciplined or fined. they found out cathy lanier retaliated against officers came forward to shine light on the practice of having police
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do security at gallery place in china town. but peter nichols is defending lanier and saying they made a mistake and did not violate the whistleblower act. the brother of a dog owner tried to stop thieves from stealing his car by spraying it with gunfire. when officers showed up they didn't know who the victim was and they ended up shooting the dog while trying to arrest the brother. >> she shot mercedes. the police officer shot mercedes and had both of my sons in handcuffs and had the neighbors on the ground and hi to ask to go to the bathroom in my own house. it's so sad. >> the department is investigating the shooting. they say the officer who shot the dog is a ten-year veteran and an army reservist. former alaska senator ted stevens will be buried today at arlington. the 86-year-old one of five
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people killed last month in the plane crash in alaska. he was the longest serving republican in history. coming up next, a closer look at the pay gap between men and women in america and what is being done to close it. >> and then later we are live at a do-it-yourself mechanics shop. you can give your car a tuneout without paying for labor. we know how expensive that can get. stay with us. it's 8:20. ouce
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if you're looking for work check out our job shop on and our job of the day is at pizza hut in columbia, maryland. they are looking for a restaurant manager with leadership experience in the restaurant, hospitality or retail industry. for more information on this job and many others go to and click on the job shop tab at the top of the home page. well today the u.s. congress joined -- joint economic committee is holding a hearing on the job pay gap.
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joining us is joyce forgot from the hudson institute and one of the participants at today's hearing. good morning. >> good morning. it's great to be with you. >> we hear a lot about the gender pay gap but in 2010 could this be happening. it is the smallest on record now but it still exists? >> well, no, when you count for age, experience, time on the work force, the gender gap basically disappears and i've written a book about it, how obama's gender policies, how men and women do not make 77 cents on a man's dollar, that's when you average all women and men. if you compare to cashier's in a bank, two supermarket checkout people and two lawyers in a law firm, men and women make about the same because it's illegal to pay them differently. >> but the numbers are out
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there. would you look at the 40 hours for men and women. >> the average is 77. they say 40 hours is 86. and single women without children and men without children it's 95. but all of those average over different occupations so you're pushing in doctors and nurses, mixing up administrative assistants with drillers on oil rigs. so what you have to do is compare a male or female oil rigger or male and female banker and when you do that you find men and women make about the same. maybe 95 cents on the dollar. >> so you're saying it's only about 5 cents if it's the same exact job. >> exactly. with the same exact experience. and otherwise women are allowed to sue. they do sue. sometimes they win, sometimes they don't win. i mean it's not an easy issue, but women definitely are not paid 77 cents on a man's dollar. >> let's talk about some of the factors that come into place in your editorial to the washington post.
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you talk about things like women taking time off for maternity leave and also opting for less hours because of family. do mothers who happen to be managers, is there a penalty for being a woman manager with a family? >> there is a study but university of chicago professor mary ann bertrand saying that women in upper management get paid the same if they work the same hours. but if you are a manager and want a flexible schedule and you want to be home with your kids and you are competing against a man that wants to work longer hours, you're likely to get paid less. but it's a matter of time in the work force as you put into the job. and of course if you start taking time off, say you want a flexible schedule at one point in your life, it's unfortunate that you might fall behind a comparable man in your earnings and not catch up for a while. so that's why you see this discrepancy. if you have one group of people in and out of the work force
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and another that is working longer, then that's where a lot of discrepancy arises. >> let me ask you this, in your opinion are there gender pay in some industries over other industries? because i must tell you, that the perception out there and some of the evidence we've seen from government reports, not just the obama administration, say there is still the gender gap. so will you say in some occupations it still exists? >> no, i don't. and there is a a con stat report put out that say it's around 95 cents on the dollar and when i testify this morning, i can assure you that the male and female congressman are going to be paid the same. >> diana furchgot-roth, thank you for being with us this morning. >> thank you for having me on. follow up on video we showed you last week of chrysler workers drinking and
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smoking marijuana during their lunch break. this morning there is more fall out and we'll update that when we come back. and that emergency landing could have been prevented, the one we showed you yesterday. more coming up ahead on fox 5 morning news. it's 8:27.
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it's 8:30 as we check headlines this morning. it looks like more people are using those reusable shopping bags instead of the plastic bags. since d.c. imposed the bag tax. it is still having a positive effect on the environment. the money is going to environmental clean-up projects we are told. flooding devastating parts of the midwest. a rural neighborhood is under water in wisconsin. isn't expected to recede until tomorrow. similar situation in dell rapids, south dakota. water levels are expected to drop today while several areas
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of south dakota are in recovery mode. and in los angeles record heat is the problem. and that 105 not as hot as it got. in ventura it hit 113 degrees, sending a lot of people to the water to cool down. the heat set off widespread power outages and several small wildfires as well. it is 8:32 right now. and tucker, you're old stomping grounds is in the oven right now. >> the hottest temperature ever in los angeles. so that gives you a sense of how hot it was. 113 degrees. only 102 there today so cooling down. here in washington, a lot of clouds and we have our own heat and humidity. off to the east, still a few leftover showers toward annapolis. toward severna park and pasadena and a ban across the bay pushing off to the east. but later this morning we'll see a return to some sunshine and a nice afternoon.
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let's go to the satellite radar and this whole area of storminess is out to the west, low pressure dragging with it the energy. our winds which are out of the south will shift out of the west and we'll be in the clear here as we get into the afternoon. i think more and more sunshine building in and it should be a decent afternoon with high temperatures expected to top out at 80 or so. so well above average. more rain in the forecast as we get into late in the day tomorrow and then again through the day on thursday. currently 74 at reagan national. 70 in gaithersburg. 73 in annapolis. so mild start to the day. i mentioned high temperatures top out in the low 80s. early clouds and rain, afternoon sun. 81 degrees. winds out of the south at 15 miles per hour. and the five-day forecast, tomorrow doesn't look bad at the start of the day, 74. but rain late in the day and we could have another round of heavy rain on thursday. we'll have to watch the track of an area of low pressure off the coast. friday and saturday improvement, highs only in the 60s by sunday and monday.
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that's a look at the forecast. back to you at the desk. new details on a story you will only see on fox. several chrysler employees are out of work after being caught on camera drinking during a lunch break. the workers from a detroit assembly plant were drinking beer and spoking what appears to be marijuana. 13 of the 15 people have been fired. the other two employees were laid off without pay for one month. there are also new developments in the emergency landing of the delta flight at jfk over the weekend in new york. >> there are questions about whether the scare could have been prevented if the first place. gurvir joins us with more on that. >> reporter: good morning to you. it turns out the faa had issued a warning about the series 900 plane speaking to direct problems with the landing gear. >> stay downed. >> reporter: cell phone video captured terrifying moments on
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flight. passengers brace their seats as the plane makes an emergency landing. minutes before the pilot asked for clearance to divert to jfk. >> our preference would be to proceed to jfk and execute an emergency landing over there. and if it's not completely obvious, we are declaring an emergency. >> but could the scare have been prevented? the faa issued an air- worthiness directive back in july putting airlines on notice about landing gear problems. that includes this plain, the crj-900. this man is a retired pilot. >> we have an a.d. that dealt with what could be a very hazardous condition on an aircraft, landing gear problems. and not just landing gear problems that you could not drop one gear or both gears, but you could have also had a landing where the gear folded. >> reporter: the faa called it an unsafe condition. that full landing gear
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extension may not be achievable. right now we don't know if that's what happened to flight 4951. but here is what the captain was dealing with on the delta flight connection operated by atlantic southeast airlines. his right wheels were stuck in the up position and he to try to land the plane on the left wheel and right wing. >> what he was worried about is that the aircraft could have done a cart wheel on the runway or if the wing, if he dropped it down too hard, could have broken the wing, spilled the fuel and now you have a real great emergency because you probably would have fire. [ applause ] >> reporter: the captain was able to land the plane safely and saved 64 lives that night. >> i'm a bit more appreciative of the skills that pilots have. that you are putting your life in their hands. >> passengers say despite the landing gear problem, the plane touched down relatively smoothly. there were no injuries on board. and steve and allison, everybody has that camera phone so the video was there for
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everybody to see. and it is dramatic. and it does make you appreciate your flight crew. >> yes, it does. absolutely. >> thank you so much. >> you bet. >> i think if my plane was going down, the camera would be the last thing i was thinking about. >> they did it. and coming up, a big name entertainer leaving washington. we'll tell you who may may be when we come back. and then new video of maria carey taking a spill on stage. fox 5 morning news will be right back. we'll tell you if she's okay too. hi there. i'm ian wright
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and i'm investigating what makes aruba so happy. oh my word, that's fantastic. ♪ row your boat gently down the stream... ♪ i'll tell you what; it's not aloe vera the main export. it's happiness. i haven't even got bait on the end of mine.
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i don't care; it's just nice sitting here. you're getting it. you're getting it. a big blow to the struggling washington national opera. opera singer placido domingo said he won't stay on as general director of the company. the washington post is saying that he told the board he won't renew the contract when it expires next june. he came on board in 1996 and over the years brought in big productions and international stars. the opera is considering a merger with the kennedy center to survive. tonight is the big britney spears episode of glee. here is a clip. [ music ] >> hey, britney. are you ready? uh-huh. >> the stars of the fox hit
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show -- what is so funny -- will perform me against the music, toxic and baby one more time. she will -- brit will make an appearance herself. at first i thought it was britney but that's a cast member. >> i was wondering if she'd get outperformed. >> but they study her. so who is the original? >> we'll see. and another singing diva's fall from grace. maria carey took a spill in singapore. do you want to see it? you are going to. she took a tumble. and watch closely. her backup singer is there to help pick her up by the arms. although a few minutes later she had to call her assistant over to take off her sky high stilletos, much like allison does. >> i pay you for it. >> you pay handsomely. she considered the concert bare foot, this comes as she's rumored to be pregnant with her first child.
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but as a performer, she made sure that she kept on going. >> she shower did. a smile on her face. >> just like you. we have more coming up. up next -- >> best-selling author john finestein will look at the rivalry of the mystery of the army-navy game. and do you not have a place to repair your car or the tools to do it? we are live in sterling where we'll show you how it all works and how you can sign up for your own bay yourself, with help close by. it's all live next and fox 5 morning -- live next on fox 5 morning news.
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it's 8:45 right now. john finestein back with another exciting sports mystery and this one set behind the scenes at the storied army-navy football game. fans can expect the traditional sports action, the high stakes mystery and insider knowledge with the rivalry. mystery at the army-navy game
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brings something new to the series. some political -- intrigue. and thanks for joining us. >> thanks steve. >> and tell us about this. >> i wrote a nonfictional book, because the kids who play football at those schools are so special. and army-navy is my favorite event in sports. if i could only go to one event a year, not the master's, the superbowl, it's this. and if you have not been to one, and it's going to be here in washington next year, but if you have not been to one, you don't understand how unique it is. when they play the national anthem at that game and you see 8,000 cadets and midship men snap their hands to attention, there is nothing like it when the teams stand together after the game. you don't see that in any other rivalry so i avowals wanted to go -- i've always wanted to go
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in this direction with the two teenage reporters and president obama is coming to the game and there is mystery around what will happen and there might be some kind of threat against the president because that does happen in real life, as you know. and i like to pepper the books with real people throughout. some of them my friends, tony kornheiser appears in every book to make his angry. and it's a lot of fun and people seem to enjoy the books because of the involvement of the kids, but also because of the sports settings. >> do you need to do that much to make tony angry? >> no. it doesn't do that much. three paragraphs gets it done. >> he wants me to say more nice things about him but there is only so much you can say. >> when you do a book like this, now when you did the first book you spent a lot of time with the players and the people who were involved. when you do a book like this, is it more fun for you to do the nonfiction then as opposed
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to the fiction? does it draw you in? >> i do it for entirely different reasons. the involvement of my own kids, a boy and girl, just like the heroes in the book and they helped me learn how to speak teenager. my daughter bridgette was saying in the book. and she said in your day, i know girls didn't play sports but now we all play sports and she's 100% right so. that's made it fun. and then going back to places i'm familiar with. obviously i know army and navy well and to have an excuse to go back and update my research and be around the people makes it that much more fun. >> are we going to see alignment with the nonfiction books over the years? >> i have always believed that best fiction reads like nonfiction and that's why i put
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people into the books. the final four books, the last one, final shot, i had people i know, reporters i know and i've done that with all of them. the u.s. open, the tennis, i wrote a book on. i did the superbowl, the ravens, i've done a couple of baseball books. they do line up with nonfiction because i like to write about what i know something about because as you know from reading fiction or seeing movies half of the time they get the real stuff wrong and sports fans sit there and say that's not the way it is. and i want people when they read the books to say that's the way the final four is and the army-navy game is. >> and real quick, because we're running short on time but i want to ask you something about the ryder cup, tiger woods. are we going to see resurgence of tiger? >> this is the only one that he
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cares about, because he's in image rehab and he's had such a poor year and because the u.s. won the ryder cup without him in when he was injured in 2008, he wants to play well so this is a big weekend in his life. >> john finestein, thank you. the new nonfiction is available and out today. >> exactly. >> thank you. >> thank you. well if you have ever thought that you can fix your own car, holly morris has a great place to go to do that. she's at a do-it-yourself mechanic where they have all of the stuff to work on your own car. >> reporter: i don't need to know how, i just need to know people that know how. but this is a wonderful concept. there are a lot of car buffs out there and very well versed in fixing their own car but don't have the space or tools and that's what do it yourself mechanics is about.
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ed coe, the founder and owner and head honcho joins us today. and i was getting ready to head over to work on the car, and i thought what a great idea for a father to bring his son or daughter to come and learn about your car. >> we've had numerous people come in and the father taking great pride in -- >> reporter: nobody is bringing their daughters? >> well we've had a couple of customers come in. the girlfriend is showing the boyfriend how to do it. >> reporter: now we're talking good story. >> it was a great. >> reporter: and you guys are having classes in the future. >> yes. we have a classroom and in the fiscal year future, it seats about 25 people and we'll have lady's night, introduction to the safe ty of the shop, how to use a lot of the tools in the shop and that's going to be coming very soon here. >> reporter: well we'll have a lady's morning. we'll head over to this car. >> we'll get your hands a little dirty here. >> reporter: a little dirty. and eddy is the mechanic on
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staff. good morning. >> good morning. >> what did you do before this shop? >> a technician for another automotive shop. >> reporter: and what do you think about the idea. >> good idea. >> reporter: how many people need your help when they are here? >> several people. >> reporter: they think they know but it's good to have somebody nearby. what are we doing today? >> pulling the spark plugs. >> reporter: they just pop out? and pulling them out. now how often should you change your spark plugs? >> 40,000 to 60,000 miles. >> reporter: so that's fairly regularly. and put this right here? loosen it. >> lefty lucy, righty tighty. all you ever needed to know to fix your car you learned in
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kindergarten, right? pull that one out and put the new one in. >> yeah. and you have to preset them with the filler gage. >> reporter: this is where i would call you over. and as he's doing that, ed, you were telling me you get your parts in from local vendors? >> yes. if you run into -- we can preorder the parts for you and call in and we can have them here waiting for you, give us the make and model of the vehicle and what you are going to do that day. they can be here in 15-20 minutes from our local auto supply vendor. >> how long does this take, eddie? >> it should be tightening up. you're just not used to it. >> reporter: i haven't changed many a spark plug in my day. >> there you go. >> reporter: okay. now it's fine. there it stopped. okay. now we only have about 30 seconds so before i do the other spark plug i wanted to air filter because i think you
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said that. i think i can do that in 30 seconds. take this one off and how often do i change my air filter? >> i would say every other oil change. every 6,000 to 12,000 miles. >> reporter: i'll keep that in mind. and buckle it back in. back to the spark plugs. is our website. we have a linking to do it yourself mechanics to find out how it all works here in sterling. coming up in the next hour, we'll see what other car projects they can find for me. back to you. >> doesn't she make it look easy. >> she z. and -- she does. and it's -- and she makes it look easy. foreclosure. we'll explain what it is. and we'll break it down coming up next hour.
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and hot flash havoc. we talked with the woman behind the menopause movie. that's coming up at 9:00.
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things to leave to the experts. who said man's best friend has to be a dog. that is a man and his crocodile. he's in costa rica. he believes crocodile is a man's best friend. one of the most notorious killers in the animal world but this fisherman rescued him from a gunshot wound 20 years ago and the crocodile never forgot. so the fisherman has taught him to do tricks, performing at times in front of crowds. he rolls over and wrestles, even allows the fishermen to hug and kiss him. you have to make sure you have
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the right croc when you do things like that. and let's turn things over to tony and allison. >> that is super sweet, somehow. >> okay. >> it is. >> thank you, steve. here is a look of some stories for the 9:00 hour of fox 5 morning news. i was not expecting to be touched by that strange couple. kathy lienyer has been said to violate the whistleblower act. we'll complain this for you. plus as a move more desperate homeowners are using to get rid of a home. it's called a short sale and we'll tell you how it works and tell you about the possible consequences. and it's popular music with an irish


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